How to Stop Replaying the Trauma of Narcissistic Mind Trapping

We all fall victim to mental traps at times. Since they are often unhelpful or negative automatic thoughts, mind traps can consume your thinking, including how you feel, what you pay attention to, and your actions and decision-making.

You can get caught in mental traps at any moment, but you are more likely to after a narcissistic relationship. In other words, you won’t be able to stop or find relief from the intrusive thoughts about what occurred to you unless you know how to successfully release the trauma ingrained inside your body.

Here’s an overview of the helpful ways to break free from the trauma of narcissistic mind-trapping.


Remember that narcissistic disorder affects relationships in general, not just romantic ones. You may be friends with, romantically involved with, or in a relationship with someone with narcissistic personality disorder in your family (i.e., your mother or father). The first step to breaking free from the trauma of narcissistic mind trapping is to admit that you were in the relationship and were the victim of narcissistic gas lighting.

Acknowledging this reality sets you on a journey to accept the idea that what you went through was indeed emotional abuse. That means you can start letting go of the negative thoughts and guilt you may harbor. Denial is a kind of self-defense, and it’s normal for you to initially reject acknowledging the relationship. You must embrace the truth to heal.

1. Stay Away From The Abuser

You must avoid any contact with the narcissist, as this will only intensify mind trapping and make it more difficult for you to recover. You have no need to keep in touch with this individual, so break all contact with them.

Many people who have endured narcissistic emotional abuse find it difficult to break free because they have become dependent on it. Therefore, you must set boundaries and adhere to them.

Sometimes, having a child with a narcissist makes it hard to avoid contact with the abuser. In that case, involving a third party, like a family member or neutral friend, can help. You may also seek professional assistance from supervised visitation experts within your area.

2. Practice Self Compassion

Practicing self-compassion can be a great way to break free from mind-trapping. You may discover that blaming yourself is what comes to mind first. It may take time before you stop judging your actions that backed the relationship. Always remind yourself it isn’t your fault for how someone treats you. Instead, reward yourself for finally reaching a point where you can recover and leave the situation.

Observe the signs of healing from narcissistic abuse and take pride in your progress. You’ll discover that you can forgive yourself in the future rather than holding yourself accountable for the past. Also, making up some mantras to repeat when you start to feel low might be helpful.

Remembering that you are strong and bold for ending the relationship can help you stop replaying the trauma of narcissistic mind-trapping.

3. Exercise Daily

Daily exercise has been demonstrated to be good for the mind and body. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of physical activity for treating both depression and enhancing overall well-being.

It is also good to try exercising outside in fresh air since this activity can significantly increase its therapeutic effects. Try swimming at a neighborhood pool or running around a nearby park. Make sure to devote between 20 and 30 minutes a day to one of these activities.

4. Rely on a Strong Support System

It is important to open up to one or two of your closest and most trustworthy friends and family members so they can lend support. The more support you have from friends and family, the more you are likely to break free from the trauma of narcissistic mind-trapping.
If there isn’t anyone in your circle you can rely on during your recovery, it will help to work with a therapist. In fact, this is a good idea even if you have a solid network of friends and family. A therapist can provide an impartial, expert perspective. Plus, they may be able to teach you coping skills that your friends and family are unaware of.

Practice Self-Care

When you incorporate good self-care into your schedule, you will start feeling more powerful and worrying less. Taking care of yourself constantly improves your self-esteem and prepares you to handle any forthcoming challenges. By moving the body, you’ll be able to bring oxygen to your brain, balance your breathing, and get your heart pumping. Self-care activities help keep you from dropping into depression or shutting down emotionally. Sit in a hot tub, get that massage, or do anything else that helps you relax.

You can also keep a journal of your feelings and thoughts. It’s amazingly validating and calming to pen down your insights and experiences. This will help you diminish or get rid of those negative interactions with the abuser and figure out the way forward.

Be Patient

At times, even the best relationships can be challenging. Things can be much more difficult when trying to heal from a relationship involving narcissistic abuse. Learn to be patient with the recovery process as well as with yourself.

With time, you’ll discover that you can start to let go of the mind traps and move forward. Ultimately, you’ll get to the conclusion that you deserve having wholesome connections in your life. Patients is and will always be the secret to healing.


Getting rid of narcissistic mind traps can be difficult and traumatizing. The abuse may leave harmful long-term effects such as feelings of unworthiness or anxiety.

If you find it difficult to stop replaying the trauma of narcissistic mind trapping, know there are ways to recover. And the above strategies will help you do that. Whichever you choose, always remember to seek assistance from a mental health professional, as this can go a long way in helping you recover from narcissistic mind traps.